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Sep 18, 2012

Duba Tuesday Roundup: Tooth Fairy, Fantasy and Flag Football

Yesterday was a milestone for my son. After what felt like weeks, he finally lost his "wiggler." We put him in several situations for him possibly lose his tooth, but not until he was brushing his teeth yesterday morning did the bloody event occur. On Sunday, he was able to push the tooth pretty much all the way down, but it still hurt him so we let it be. I saw him in the morning when I was getting ready for work, but he was still toothed. I get a text from Kim before she leaves for work that he lost it! It was pretty cool. I don't know teeth parts, but it is the right front tooth.
So, I had to go and put on the snazzy outfit above and wait for him to fall asleep. Unfortunately his friend came over last night and put ideas in his head that he was going to get toys and lots of money. Earlier in the day, I searched all around southern New Jersey banks for $2 bills. We would call them "Twoth" dollar bills. After 3 banks and an hour of driving, I found 3 $2 bills for last night and the future. We made sure he went to bed early and had his tooth in the corner of his bed. I had to argue with him to keep the bedroom door closed but the tooth fairy will know how to find him. So, it was about 10:30 when I retrieved my $2 bill and snuck into his room. He rolled over onto the part of the pillow over the tooth, and I guarentee he was playing with it before he fell asleep. Thank God he didn't get it out from under the pillow. So, sure enough, I put the money in and take the tooth out where it now sits in my underwear drawer in a little keepsake box. He has a mouth-shaped tooth holder that I think we are going to fill up with all his teeth when the last one is gone.
Kim told me this morning that he was excited about his $2 and had all these grand ideas for what to buy with it. Hopefully he can save up his toothy bucks and get something he really wants.
Fantasy Football
Two weeks into the season and I am already in much better shape than the past two years. Unfortunately, the injury bug is biting me with important injuries to Greg Jennings, Fred Jackson, Antonio Gates, and now Aaron Hernandez. Luckily, this hurt me in NONE of my games this weekend, although the replacements I used or lack of points from the injured/inactives made me a little nervous at some points in the game. By halftime last night I won my game in the Duba invitational, but then Willis McGahee blew the doors open. Follow that up with another thegreatjimduba win and Medulla Amendola's first victory in my office league. This week, two of my three games should be winnable, as long as everybody contributes to the max. Thegreatjimduba is projected to nearly double my NFL-managed league opponent, and if I can land a viable tight end in the office league my points projections should make my opponent quake in her boots. Unfortunately in the Duba Invitational, I face Mandi, who happens to have the majority of her players with favorable matchups. I am trying some sneaky things on the waiver wire as I am unsure of the play of Jermain Gresham (TE) and Kevin Smith (RB) going forward. We shall see. I am stacked at wide receiver depth and hopefully can trade up to CJ Spiller.
Flag Football
For over a year now, I have yet to lose a game. We came close though on Saturday as we only tied. So I guess that still counts to my undefeated streak. Rocco got to carry the ball in the game but he was more worried about avoiding being tagged/flags ripped off than just running forward to what I think could have been a monster gain if not a touchdown. Oh well, he will get his chance and at least he paid attention this time. He did some work at center allowing another kid to run the ball.

The NFL Network guy finally won me over. He has a commercial this week hyping up the Panthers-Giants game. The camera is far away from the guy who has his hand extended out to the camera, open, and holding a tiny panther in his hand. He asks if the Giants are going to crush the Panthers as he closes his hand or if the Panthers will bite back. He then proceeds to make the most fantastic panther growling sound I ever heard as his hand explodes open. They shome some graphics of the teams then he closes his hand quickly and then quickly belts out another roar. It still makes me laugh even though I have seen it for 4 straight days now.
Bigups to Walgreens for producing a very sturdy and effective knee brace that is helping me recover from apparently tearing a tendon in my knee. I picked up Rocco a couple weeks ago in an airplane spin formation and upon ascent something popped and things haven't felt right. It is a black neoprene material with metal bars I adjust based to my fat thigh diameter. Awesome.
I also am recovering from a viral infection in my respiratory system and am taking 3 medications for it. One is a pill that is an antiviral-novacaine combination. I had an uncontrollable tickle in my throat that made me cough to the point I felt like I was having an asthma attack. I think I started getting sick after we went to a rodeo in Berlin, New Jersey the weekend before last. I probably picked up some deadly combination virus of piney (resident of the Pine Barrens who are inexplicably like Cajuns) and incest. The bull riding was pretty cool, but the vendors were ridiculously overpriced. I walked up to the ticket counter with $100 and left the end of the show with $0.50, and all I did was buy tickets and feed my family. Shitty food at that. Pickalilly Inn, your pulled pork is more like pulled stork. Tough to eat and disgusting.

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