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May 30, 2012

Cross Miami Off My Future Destination Vacations

Okay. I have been to Miami before. They have a shitty football team, had a good baseball team one year, and have a basketball team aptly named the Heat. However, they also have guys like this whoperform the most heinous crimes. This is a story my friend Brenda told me about over the weekend and I had to look it up more for myself.

Imagine you are just riding your bike along the highway and you see two people fighting. You may make yourself verbal to call attention to the fight. You may, if feeling good samaritanish, help out the one being pummeled. But what do you do if you see one man, naked, pummeling another naked man. It would look like a scene out of "Eastern Promises" (A Russian mafia movie with an all male nude fight scene - or as I call it Russian politics - ZING!). Would your first two options still apply, i.e., some kind of involvement on your end? For real? Man, you are brave. Oh by the way one guy is eating another man's face, growling.

Police recounts say that the man may have been suffering from cocaine psychosis. I do not doubt it and will not entertain stupid zombie talk. A dude on his bicycle rode up on to the scene and saw this fight happening, and then it ended with the one guy eating the other man's face. The witness said it was like he was tearing apart the victim with just his teeth. It sounds worse than a lion eating a dead zebra. A cop rolled up and told the attacker to get off the victim. Allegedly the attacker just slightly raised his head up with flesh in his mouth, blood on his face, and growled. The officer did the only thing he should have done, and shot the attacker, killing him on the scene.

Perhaps the bigger development out of this will come from the family of the attacker who may claim that the deceased had a mental disorder and required help, not death. I am sure that officer will have to deal with what just happened for the rest of his life. I know when you sign up to be a cop, you subject yourself to this. However I would bet the farm not one cop ever expected to see what he had saw on Saturday. Meanwhile, some unfortunate homeless man, who should survive, will have very little left of his face, and no way to keep himself safe once he gets put back in the streets. Now a homeless man in Miami missing his face will be on the streets to scare the masses. It is not fair to the victim or the citizens of Miami.

Enough high horse. This is in the lead for my most insane story of the year thus far.

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