I want to rename this post, "How to be an absolute Douche." The video is what it is. The guy starts to snowboard, then all of a sudden it looks like his movement on the mountainside causes the avalanche, and he falls, fast, with the snow. The rider appears smart enough to know all he can do is slide down with the snow. Quick thinking if you ask me that maybe saved his life or saved him from severe injury. The guy here, not the douche I'm referring to. Comments on the video range from somebody saying they couldn't view it to another poster suggesting a guy kill himself for saying the video quality wasn't that good. People then go on and on about how it's not an avalanche, just a small snow slide, but "get's the heart rate up nonetheless." Douches. That last comment is saying like it was some kind of amateur "baby's first fall" when the guy commenting has probably been through a hellacious mudslide.
I have to say, I never understood the whole "GoPro" thing until I see things like this. Okay, so a part of me still can't understand what this guy intends to do with the video he made if he didn't have an avalanche. Somewhere, in the middle of Romania, there is a woman sitting on a couch who just watched her 400th snowboard video.

I do believe though that through other's misfortunes that were captured by a GoPro or other personal camera, you are able to find some extreme situations you can learn to survive. The avalanche video taught me what would probably be my only chance to survive that type of fall. Now, the video of a guy who was in the Red Bull extreme grand canyon bike racing/jumping contest does me no good, even if the rider is removed from the bicycle and falling to certain doom. That is just a situation that I would not ever be in. I hope that my end in this life isn't met with a dirty dusty fall from a children's way of moving around before they can drive.

Yeah that's right, I called the bicycle pretty much a children's toy. There are several "cyclists" as they are called. I think your group should be called "bikeys." If a toddler rides a trikey, than you at any age ride a bikey. Ever see the video of a guy riding his bikey through the woods, and then out of nowhere a bear starts chasing him? Like a nasty brown bear? I will admit, if he wasn't on the bikey, he was probably dead meat. However, the speed he was already at helped him avoid the sideswipe attempt from the bear. The only problem is though his path was the only thing his bike could really handle, leaving the bear plenty of open running space as well. Eventually there's a tree down, like some other bear set this trap years ago for idiot bikeys. The guy picks up his bike and runs through the woods, and, I shit you not, literally hides behind a tree to escape the bear. I don't think I could run through the woods carrying the bike like that and hide behind a baby tree. The guy is a better survivor than bikey. I wouldn't survive that situation, but I also don't hop on a toy made for a child with my only contact with the outside world being a video that may or may not be eaten by a bear. The comments on that video were like "what an amazing escape" and "new pants!" below the video feed. The truth is the guy is stupid and would've risked hundreds of thousands of dollars had that bear got him in rescue efforts. Just saying.
I honestly don't know if I could be friends with somebody who got excited about his/her GoPro. You know who should wear GoPros? Doctors who perform surgeries. Cops who may or may not go above the law, or just have as evidence if there is any doubt. It shouldn't be for somebody wanting to show me how far they road down a dirt road. Sorry brochacho, but I just don't care.
Tell me your story, how about that. Tell me of the avalanche. Honestly, if you told me about the avalanche, and then showed me the video, I couldn't think it would do what you actually went through any justice. How do these people not have a 55-second clip of them yelling the f word? (the video is 55 seconds long). How did the guy avoiding a bear attack not repeatedly say shit? You can say the GoPro is made for the heroic or courageous recreationalist. Or a bikey.
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