So, want to invite Duba to a party? Sure, but you may be subjected to a party review....
The event - Coonor Lawrence 1 Year Birthday Party.
Location - Casa de Lawrence
Hosts - Mike a.k.a. Puddin' and Victoria Lawrence
Upon arrival, we had to park two houses down. On a normal day, this would be annoying. However, today was okay as given the snow storm earlier today this was acceptable. However, finger of shame to their neighbors who had a completely iced over sidewalk.
As is always the case at the Lawrence Parties, Bach was the first person there of my friends. In addition, any of Pudding and Victoria's family, as always, are very welcoming. Great people who make you feel like part of the family.
Good people equals good food. Check that - great food! Good meatballs, fresh cheese, good variety of soda, and good taco pudding. As the hispaniards say, EXCELENTE!
Arts and Crafts - Well, surprisingly the first party I get to review actually had arts and crafts...and now the bar is set for future parties. Rocco made a brilliant card for his grandmother.
Cake was huge. Wonderfully decorated and frosted just right. Duba prefers chocolate and/or ice cream cake, but this was good.
Activities - Just Dance 3, and I killed it. I owned that house with my super swift feet. And Rocco had a blast with Party Rock Anthem. He finished second, but overall a Houston Texans like effort.
Overall, great first party of the year. Pudding and Victoria always have excellent family and adult themed parties.If they can have Connor's birthday party in May or June it could be the penultimate party of the year. Alas, it was a blast for all ages. Grade A
Get inside that 5-year old sized head of mine and see what I have to say. It feels good getting my thoughts out. Good, bad, or analytical. This blog serves no function to society and only contributes to your need for what I know.
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His name is Conner not Cooner! Hahaha!!!!! Perfect!
ReplyDeleteplease remember, this is a raw, imperfect yet charming blog. kim signs cards, and i bring the dubaness.
ReplyDeleteDuba! #1. I didn't know you blogged. #2. This review is so awesome and makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. #3. Arts and crafts was all and I made the taco pudding... love the name! #4. I will try to remember to make future babies in August so we can ensure a May/June birthday party! #5. So glad you had a good time!!! Ill be posting your lovely dance soon enough. Hope to see you and Kim again soon :-)