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Jun 3, 2013

Black Cloud Part Deaux?

So I have been at my new job for 3 weeks now. That's fifteen working days. I have learned a lot while being given a lot of opportunities to make the most of my career. However, of those fifteen days, it has rained maybe nine of them up here. The only days it wasn't raining it was like 98 Degrees. 

So I got to thinking about the time I had spent at my last job. People often discussed my misfortunes as a black cloud. I had a house that had flooded, a tree fall through it, and many many upgrades that I had to give up when I sold it. I incurred debt after debt that I only had myself to blame every time my bank account took a $1,000+ hit at a time. I got married and divorced, and had 9 total grueling surgeries on my ass and later developed into mystery stomach ailments that would often devastate me. I had psychotherapy for a lot of issues and a car accident every year. I felt LUCKY to have made it through alive another year. This became known as my black cloud of bad luck. 

I binged a question about rain every day at a new job but it gave me random results. Google provided more of a range of suggestions. None were helpful. I know rain on your wedding day is good luck. Rain during a baseball game shuts it down while rain in a football game only seems to make it more violent. Rain when I had done work in the field at my old job was often refreshing, especially on those balls hot days. 

When I looked up superstitions about rain, I see that rain supposedly washes away your sorrows. I only have really one sorrow right now, and that is addressed in my other Blog (which I purposely have not written in for a while, but I have some thoughts to enter in it soon). One other superstition is that if it rains when the sun is out, the devil is beating his wife. I find this one hard to believe as the devil is a sinner and probably has several wives or none at all. So that is hogwash. I can picture the devil from South Park finally hitting back Saddam Houssein. Finally one superstition about rain is that if you wash your car, it will rain. These people who wash their car directly before it starts to rain are the unsung heroes of our planet as they help bring about the hydrological cycle full circle. 

So if rain is washing away negativity it is a good thing. Once I feel like I may be letting my new employer down, they reaffirm my efforts with praise and offer any advice they may have. They know there is a learning curve in this type of work from one company to the next. 

Hopefully there is not a lot of snow this year. Don't get me wrong I love the winter and it's inclement weather. But the roads I must travel on have people driving them who have no respect for mother nature or its powers. 

That's it for now. I'm still trying to find time to write as I got settled in here. I just have to cut my lunch 30 minutes short now. See the sacrifices I make for you?

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