So today, I woke up at 345 to come up to a jobsite in Elizabeth, NJ. When it comes to ranking New Jersey cities from the bottom up, Elizabeth is right toward the bottom. I am "lucky" enough to be in the industrial side rather than the ghetto ass Spanish paradise portion. That portion is so bad. Every car plays louder shitty music than the next. People have conversations from one side of the street to another. And it is almost always in Spanish. Need ice for your sample cooler? That is an impossible thing to ask for. I ask for ice and they say back "helado?" - Spanish for ice cream. I say, "No" - Spanish for no. I am not one of those "speak English or get out" people, but I do have a limit. God forbid I needed directions or had an emergency.
And I just took my first note in 30 minutes that a truck arrived to load out dirt. Back to my blog...
So yeah I hate Elizabeth, NJ. Other towns I greatly dislike include West New York and Union City. Oddly enough, those two cities are neighbors, but the trash stays the same. There was human shit at the door to one of my sites in Union once. A young Hispanic boy attacked my car there one day as well. I mean he was like 5 years old. And the parents just let him do it.
If Florida is America's wang and New Jersey is the unshaven armpit of America, then these three cities are ingrown hairs festering boils.
-Jim Duba
Get inside that 5-year old sized head of mine and see what I have to say. It feels good getting my thoughts out. Good, bad, or analytical. This blog serves no function to society and only contributes to your need for what I know.
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