Yes, the Cuban Missile Crisis was a near miss of a nuclear holocaust that we should all be grateful did not come to fruition.
Long story short, the threat of Cuba never pulled through, and the United States and Russia eased tensions thereafter thanks in large part to Rocky IV. I, Duba, had a similar incident. I certainly do not think it was end of the world proportions, but somebody was, as they say in these parts, "gon git dey azz kict!"
So, anybody ever been to Forman Mills? Ever get excited there every time you say in your head or say out loud "FOOOOORRRRRMAAAAAN MILLSSSSS"? I sure have. Ever get so excited you want to beat somebody up in the parking lot? Oh, you haven't? So, if I told you I met somebody who did, would you think they have a problem?
So let me set the stage. Kim, Rocco, and I had to throw out a bunch of whites recently as our washer malfunctioned, shot grease all over them. Ruined a lot of stuff. We were resigned to the fact we had to go to the best store to replace these things - Foreman Mills. Twenty pairs of socks for 10 bucks? Yes please.
So we go in, shop around, get what we need, and the three of us head back out to the car to head on out for a nice family night out at Five Guys. Kim was driving her car, so I did not get to see the driver side. When we were all in the car, Kim stated that it looks like somebody threw a sandwich on her car. We debate on whether it was a sandwhich vandalistic act or a really nasty bird. She uses her hand to show me the length of the stain on this car. Meanwhile, in the spot right next to us, I look over and see a dude maybe 21 years old with a girl maybe younger than Rocco in the back. He starts saying some stuff through his window that I have no idea what he is saying. Foolish me, I thought he was trying to say "Hey I saw a guy throw a sandwhich at your car when I pulled up".
Kim put her window down so that we could ask him what he was saying. This dude, who looked kind of like this:
proceeds to hop out of his car like he was going to jump into ours saying "Everything alright?" And again I still think he is talking about Kim's sandwiched car. He starts going off about how I am staring at him and if we have a problem. I asked him if he knew who threw a sandwich at my car. He cooled down and started to discuss with us how he was ready to throw down because we were staring at him.
What a piece of
So many things wrong with this guy's approach. First, you just abandoned your toddler. What if some dude creepier than me ran into your car and drove off with your kid? Second, what if I am a bigger asshole than you and I pull out a gun and blast your ass? You would have gotten killed in front of your daughter, she would develop big daddy issues, and you would not be there to keep her off the pole. Third, are you really that insecure, desperate, worthless, conceited, jackassish, narcissistic to think that I would come out from Foreman Mills, with my family nonetheless, and want to fight you of all people? Fourth, and finally, do you not have enough to live for where you need the thrill of fighting in the parking lot?
I am no dummy. I have never been in a fight, but I have stood my ground. Nobody is going to disrespect me to the point I have to fight them. You may disrespect my lady enough to get me to stand up to you, and only once in my life have I ever got in anybody's face, but still never actually carried through with a fight. Put a hand on my kid, I will get him away from your creepy ass, maybe make you pay then. Where am I going with this? I guess, what I want to say is, to fight somebody in this day is not worth anything. Only a few things should really bring about violence and fighting. If I did choose to fight this guy and he got a lucky punch on me, can Kim and Rocco stand to see that? No. Can Rocco see that it is okay to beat somebody up for no reason? Again, no.
I received no thrill from this event. Instead, I received a lot of disgust that people are like this, probably more often than not like this.
Enough of my soap box. This was the Duban Missile Crisis
Get inside that 5-year old sized head of mine and see what I have to say. It feels good getting my thoughts out. Good, bad, or analytical. This blog serves no function to society and only contributes to your need for what I know.
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