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The Great Jim Duba Mobile App!

Touch My Face Any Time You Want

Scan the bar code or click here: TGJD Mobile App. Any time you need your Duba fix, tap my face! Like the best stalker, I am everywhere you don't expect me to be. Also, like us on Facebook @ and follow me on twitter @thegreatjimduba. I know, I can't believe nobody else had the name either!

Apr 14, 2012

The World Has Spoken - Duba Rules

Well folks...all my french accents and Sponge Bob Squarepants impersonations have finally paid off. France, thank you for bringing Duba back iinto your country. 15 years is a long hiatus. Also, thanks for not spitting at me this time. Much appreciated.

To welcome my newest audience, I present you cheese eating surrender monkeys with a tribute to your country: French National Hero

Also new to my audience is Latvia. I googled "is latvia horrible", which produced no results. Then, I tried "is latvia any fun?" Again, nothing. Oh well. Check out the comedy stylings of Latvia's finest! Knock Knock. Who there? Latvian. Latvian who? Please open door. Is so cold.

Hohoho hardy har har! Also, Duba is doing his part to settle disputes between Iran and the United States. Hey Mr. Mayor of Iran, can you please share my blog with that tiny version of a leader in North Korea, please. Maybe we can all gather for a nice brunch or brinner some day?

And that for me is a night. I moved 60 boxes of stuff from the third floor to the first, to soon move it all up to the second floor tomorrow. Good night world. Your leader is tired.

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