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Jul 29, 2012

What in the world have I been up to??

So, it's been about a week since my last masterpiece I wrote up here. First, let me give a shout out to two local music acts, one in Philadelphia and one in local Philadelphia area.

  • First, and most recently, I had the pleasure of seeing Ms. Darienne Rose. Her music can be found by simply clicking this simple sentence. Kim apparently went to school with her years back and her new friend Brenda knows her well. Brenda told us about her and our Saturday night was set. Kim compared her music a lot to Paramore. Not my cup of tea, but she played very well on the guitar and sang like an angel. She was the best pure singer/entertainer at the Rusty Nail in Haverford. If you like a cross between Karmin and Paramore, you would like her. Please support her.

  • Second, long time (3 years) friend Lashawn Creed has been promising me that one day he will hit it big and be rich enough to own a tiger named Jesus. Still waiting to buy a tiger cage for himself, but in the meantime Mr. Creed has been working his ass off to make it to the top of I guess a very crazy rap game in Philadelphia. I am no rap aficianado, but I listen to every track for him and have enjoyed what I heard.
  • I saw the Dark Knight on Saturday during a matinee showing. Spoiler Alert! Batman is...Christian Bale! Holy shit I thought he looked familiar and I suspected it through the first two movies and have made an educated guess on this third one. I loved this movie more than the Avengers and will give it an A++ review coming soon. The trilogy ended right and never seen a third movie that was better than the first two combined.

  • Flag Football season begins on Wednesday. Last year, I helped coach the Raiders "C" team to an undefeated season. I was an assistant coach who came on board to help with Rocco's behavior only to help take over the offensive and defensive line duties. It took Rocco a while to understand how the line was important for the flow of the game. But one day towards the end of the season, we were tied 1-1 going into the last two downs of our last possession. The rules of flag are simple: 10 plays per team per half. The team that scores the most touchdowns wins. So, it was the last possession of the game and we were so far away from the end zone that it seemed like we would tie. Rocco was supposed to block this kid, but he didn't, and we were dropped back a couple more yards. I pulled him aside, and told him what he needed to do if he wanted his team to win. Sure enough, Rocco took on the kid who broke through on the game's second to last play and after he disposed of that kid, our running back came bursting through. Rocco kinda tripped and fell into another would be defender, thus securing an open field and the game winning touchdown. The running back got all the glory, but I know who made that play happen. And he was the game MVP.
  • Check out the bands below:
    • Rival Sons - A straight rock/bluesy rock band that is superior to the Black Keys
    • Lo-Pan, Mushroom River Band, and Sasquatch - bands that makes the music that Chevelle wants to make
    • Barroness - No comparison, but there new double album Green & Yellow is pretty melodic for a heavy metal act
  • The Great Jim Duba Intercontinental Fantasy Football Championship Challenge is not fairing well in terms of participation. So, sign yourself up. Don't trust me to send you an email without you getting any spam? Well, here you go...
What are you waiting for...rush to your PC, Ipod, Izod, Ipad, Russian Hamster Wheel, BlackBerry - WHATEVER you have!

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