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Jan 20, 2012

Duba's 3rd Annual "Only When I Have a Blog or Other Available Forum Where I Can Riff" Ideal Superbowl Matchups

Duba's 3rd Annual "Only When I Have a Blog or Other Available Forum Where I Can Riff" Ideal Superbowl Matchups

Well, if you are not going to the Home Show this weekend it is because you will be home watching glorious championship games on Sunday. I believe you will see two extremely dramatic games playout. I think I know who will win, but I would prefer the following matchups:

49ers Vs Ravens - I like violent defensive football. I think this could be a good dramatic chess match of a game, forgetting about the Harbough brothers playing each other. I think Alex Smith is playing how Joe Flacco wishes he was. Flacco was against one of the top 3 defenses last week, and I think he can tune up the Patriots as a warmup game for the Superbowl. Also, Smith will be prepared for an onslaught after surviving the Giants defense. Maybe a low scoring game but a defense lovers dream.

49ers Vs Patriots - I respect Brady enough to want to watch him play against that awesome San Fran defense. Also, the way Vernon Davis has been playing like a retarded bull and the tight end special duo for New England could make for a dramatic, special moments type of game.

Giants Vs Ravens - One of the greatest things in the world is to see Eli Manning go on an extended streak of great play to just ultimately getting waxed in a big moment. However, a Superbowl game is not the place for this scenario unless it is one of those moments where the game's fate lay in his hands only for him to choke. Unfortunately he hasn't choked too much lately (probably last time was when he threw a late game interception against the Eagles). I do not want to see this, and I do not want to see the Giants win again.

Giants Vs Patriots - I believe this is why we have to wait two weeks for the big game after the teams advance. The last time they met in the Superbowl was epic. But after two weeks I still could not pick a team to root for. Honestly I thought the Giants would be obliterated, but their fight inspired me to root for them by halftime. As a disgruntled Eagles fan, watching these teams play for a championship is sickening. Having ONLY two weeks to pick a side is not enough time. I bet this is the match the officials will try to make happen after their attempt of a Saints/Packers Vs Patriots matchup fell through.

Reality - The experts I have read mostly pick the Giants and Patriots advancing. I am no expert which is why I am predicting a Patriots Vs ..............49ers Superbowl! I actually see the Giants rightfully getting squashed showing their 9-7 colors. I hope for my number one scenario to playout, but i just think Brady is too killer right now. Unless Baltimore can hit him hard early and often, the Patriot way will win out.

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