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Jan 19, 2012

Freedom of Speech...just not for the other team

The Winter Classic came and went and like the true very casual fan of hockey that I am I forgot it was on. But what I did see was video of the post game fight at Geno's.

Yes I can see where you are asking for trouble by wearing the other team's jersey to the home team stadium. At the most I can chant "asshole" at you and you can laugh at me when John Skelton treats the Eagles like a flag football team, but I digress.

What gives me the right to punch anybody wearing another team jersey? NOTHING! I went to Giants stadium this season in my Eagles gear with Brandon. People were cool to us. We even got to have a cool back and forth with the surrounding Giants fans. However, theonly other nearby Eagles fan sat right next to me...maybe a skinny 18 year old kid with a huge (in a tall way) girfriend. This half man noticed Brandon and I were twice his size so he thought he could run his mouth. I doubt this half man, half clown does, but Bran and I have a family to go home to and support. I certainly am not attempting to aggrevate an already aggrevated 60,000+ asshole New Yorkers/North Jerseyans.

On Philly radio I do not hear anybody endorsing the attack, but I do hear a lot of "you shouldn't wear your team's jersey in our stadium".... I believe that is freedom of expression right? The same freedom YOU radio hosts/callers say we wouldn't have if not for our brave men and women making ultimate sacrifices. So this night an Iraq war veteran gets jumped and beaten pretty bad to the point of needing surgeries because of an argument that started because he was still supporting his team after they won the game, a right which he earned because he fought for it and you radio announcers (all of them) encourage that this guy shouldn't have worn that jersey? Finger of shame to you and middle finger to your callers in agreement with you.

I could not care less about the reputation of Philadelphia fans being tarnished. Wasn't a dodgers fan beaten to death in san francisco? A jets fan and his pre-teen son got jumped in cleveland by some angry browns fans.

I should be able to show up to an Eagles game with a pro-dogfighting jersey if i wanted to and, much like every regular day, the worst thing to happen to me should being called an asshole.

Oh yeah and Vancouver... when you lost the stanley cup to boston, torching and bashing your city was not freedom of expression- be it expressing anger at the loss or anger that you live in vancouver wishing to be in at leasr Seattle - its a matter of justifying your douchebaggery through sports.

There is really no way to end this really, so.... 
....... I will leave you with this 6 second nugget of eternal comedy...

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