Well, i guess the new me is just the older me. I therefore change every day i get older, every second of that every day. So, Christmas came and went. I made out very well. Got the one thing ive wanted all year - the BlackBerry Playbook. it will help me keep up with one of my repeated resolutions of the past couple years - create, maintain, and most of all ENJOY the experience.
Now, i was lucky enough to already accomplish last year's resolution to quit smoking. It took me till late October but at least i did it! If you really want to quit, just quit. Slowly kill of your pack and replay in your head or recite whatever the words were that inspired you. Me, i made myself sick enough about the thought of smoking and seeing me in a casket through the angry eyes of my girlfriend and (step)son.
On to the fun resolutions...the ones i hope to make good on as they are personal records. Without further ado...Duba's Top Ten New Year Resolutions:
10. Begin eating at least one fruit and/or vegetable a day. Got to bethe better alternative for staying regular than 3 (yes 3!) Activias a day.
9. Make at least 2 people laugh per day by saying something actually funny and not necessarily not get me wrong, i am still going for insulting humor, just with no limit
8. Make Top Ten lists as good as i did in the years 1998 - 2001.
7. Locate Jim Duda and strong arm him into a rematch 15 years in the making. Duba vs Duda 2 - "the fight they'll be tellin ya for a new millenia"
6. Get a new job where i feel just the slightest sliver of respect and enough satisfaction to not hate every waking second of the work day
5. Clean and press over 200 pounds, upright row 300 pounds, and bench 120 pound dumbells while losing 20 pounds. Duba's got a beach wedding to gear up for.
4. Learn something cool about this whole tablet thing to get more out of it than just being a glorified phone or ipod
3. Put aside up to 100 bucks a pay check while putting the same into a 401k. Sooner or later, Duba will want to retire.
2. Watch every episode of Tosh.0.
...and number 1
1. Coach another undefeated flag football team while learning how to coach better.
Those of you who know me probably expected something better than this list. However, please remember that i am now 31, a father, and trying to find that balance in mixing my personality with professionalism. Don't worry, i will have my bright spots.
Happy Du Year to all!
Get inside that 5-year old sized head of mine and see what I have to say. It feels good getting my thoughts out. Good, bad, or analytical. This blog serves no function to society and only contributes to your need for what I know.
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I actually know Jim Duda. He was in my friends wedding. He is alot bigger then he was back in the day. You may want to make a revision to #7.