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Aug 15, 2012

Russian Protests

Okay, Pussy Riot fans, time to take to the street of Russia and have your heroes freed! Your heroines have been locked up, and so have the supporters of Pussy Riot.

Apparently, these chicks hate their government and the fact that the long time President Vladimir Putin has a close tie and support from the main orthodox church. The Camel Toe Melee began when the band had an impromptu concert, praying to the holy mother to remove Putin from Earth, I believe. I read that this band has 10 members, proving once again that more is less.

It is cold in Russia thus why they wear masks.

The, ahem, ladies got one minute into their hit song "Мессинг с Богом и президентов" - "Messing with God and Presidents". Their follow up "заискивающий суки" was never played ("Whiny Bitches"). While we are on the topic of translations, "Pussy Riot" in Russian is "киска Riot".

Odd how the only word it didn't translate was "riot." Probably because riots have not been allowed in Russia since the last czar was in power.

I truly do acknowledge and respect a protest done innocently against an unfair election. We hear in the United States should have had more protest when George Bush won the election over Al Gore, but unfortunately we are too fat and lazy to stand up for that plus the idea of 10 interchangeable women wearing masks was already taken. The three women who were arrested from the band are facing three years in prison each, thus lowering total active members in the Pussy Riot to 7 - thus making them the equivalent of a Russian Dave Mathews Band.

Protests on the matter of Putin's reelection campaign held last year were record breaking, as well as breaking the record of most protests led by a man named Boris, a woman named Boris, and most mittens used in protests.

My opinion on the matter is that unfortunately, even in the greatest of places to live, not everybody will be happy with the way their government is run or the decisions that are made or who makes them. There was a time long ago when people took pride in their leadership and their country/dominion and were not just a pawn for a greater scheme. I do actually applaud these ladies for what they stand for, but I do not stand for shitty music.

Why give them a sentence of three years? Is there that little of a seperation of church and state in Russia? Maybe there is more details to this story that my American media will not show me that maybe these Menstral Malignants did to earn more jail time, I don't know. Why not just move them to Siberia for 3 years instead? Maybe they can change their name to Meat Locker Riot. Who knows.

That's about it for my international news.

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