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Jan 28, 2012

Concert Review: An Evening with Bach at Gigantour


Venue - Susquehana Bank Center

The concerts I have been to here are normally during the warmer months where I had the ability to be on the lawn. This time around, a backdrop was up behind the last row (where I sat) blocking off access to the lawn areas. There were two tiers of seating sections plus a pit right i  front of the stage. the indoor facilities are way better than anything you would find in the lawn area (although somebody did pee on the backdrop). The merchandise was ridiculously expensive but that is not the SBC's fault. I bought a soft pretzel that was delicious. Entering and leaving the building/parking lot was easier than some movie theaters I have left.

Man-Date - Bach

Bach is the quintissential metal concert goer. He told me what to expect with the upcoming bands. He drove, like all gentlemen do, and ensured I safely made it to AND fro. He is easy to talk with about metal and other things in life. However, the height discrepancy between us makes it hard for me to talk softly to him. Also, he is rather imposing so I always feel pretty secure and nobody would even try to start anything with ne.

The bands:

Lacuna Coil : They are that band with that girl who sing that song where the girl goes "aaaaaAAAaaaaaaah...aaaAaAAaaAAAAAaaa" and there is a guy singer who looks like a mix of Gallagher and Anthony Kiedis. They were the prefect band to take a shit to. Their music was not so bad, but the one guitarrist looked like Pierre Robert and the rest of them looked douchey.

Volbeat: My personal new favorite band. There is not one thing I do not like about them. I have only seen them before as headliners in a closer setting where nobody could sit down. The sound was down since they were the second band. They played a short 45 minute set that did not do their music catolog justice. I hope this concert though can expose them to a bigger audience in the United States. Being the number one band In Denmark will only take you so far. Good luck to you boys as bands like you keep my faith in the world.

Motorhead: Sweet Jesus almighty...I have never ever in my life experienced anything like that. I admit I was not a fan of them, just because I never liked the quality sound of the music that was available from them. Well, that first song that came on blew me away. Song after song got better and better. They were so loud I felt each cillia in my ear die minute after minute. Then they played this one song called "The One Who Sings the Blues" and I knew at that moment I would now be a big fan. During this song a guy a couple rows in front of us was uppercut dancing. His wife made the mistake of turning around to talk to him and took one on the chin. Overall, Motorhead was the greatest on this night.

Megadeth: I cannot say I know much of anything about them. However they were very crisp and the fans loved them. I was surprised at their following. But, after that incredible Motorhead set, I was worn out. Some dueling guitarvscenes made me think it was like a heavy metal Lynyrd Skynyrd.

Well, overall, out of 10, I give it a 9.5. That is basically a 95 out of 100.

Until next time...

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