So...if you know me well enough, you have probably heard me mumble and grumble about anything, no, EVERYTHING! I have been justified in some of my grumblings, other times been called just a miserable fool. Regardless, I am sure that you will see I can justify almost every complaint I have.
So, without further aduba, let me present to you....
10. This so called winter - Seriously, Mother Nature? I wore a thin button down shirt with no jacket today. Almost felt like a luau. Where is the fear of my nose falling off? Why can I feel all my toes on my left foot? I want to walk outside everyday to it feeling like God hit me with a block of ice to the face. Additionally, this heat wave is only compounded by...
9. The Sun - I hate the sun. I get that it is essential for the universe's survival and for life as we know it. So are water and I like them. My right eyeball cannot take the unnecessary brightness of tbe sun, and therefore I must wear 3M tinted safety glasses. The sun is also directly responsible for slow moving traffic as it rises and sets at will with reckless abandon. The sun is responsible for water...that rolls down my back hair as I am warmer than I ever have been in January. February, you better freeze my cacahuates off.
8. Italian Cruise Ships - Buca Di Beppo cruise lines took one in the poop deck and to port side while Captain Albano was trying to get to land to call for help. What a disgrace to men and Italians. Didn't the Italians build our skyscrapers? They should be fearless. Whether the captain was there on the boat or not, people still died. I would be more concerned about the fact there was no great escape plan.
7. Joe Paterno dies a Saint - So the way people have reflected on this guy's career you would have thought Jeebus himself came back from Mars, coached college football, then died a death of a hero. No. He did great things football the 80's...and proceeded to protect a child molester. You all love a good O.J. Joke, but nobody can talk ill "JoePa"
6. Company Holiday Parties the Next Calendar Year - January 30th holiday party? That is not even close to boxing day or Chinese New Year.
5. Watching a slow motion replay of Lawrence Tynes mouthing "I'm going to the fucking superbowl!" - I cannot believe Lawrence Tynes is going back to the fucking Superbowl.
4. January 3 - Back to work day. Also, I did not do a good job wrapping things up at the end of the year and I walked straight into anafter vacation admonishment.
3. The Show "I Hate My Teenage Daughter" - Remember when Jamie Presley was the teenage daughter? she is the mother.
2. The influx of New Year's resolutioners - Every year many people make the resolution to lose weight and feel great. The result is they spend 20 - 40 bucks a month to complain about the gym while changing in the locker room cheek to cheek with me.
Aaaaand the number one thing I hated about January...
1. Two straight weeks of Patriots Giants Superbowl hype. I still have not decided which gun I am going to insert into my mouth and swallow a bullet on February 5.
Get inside that 5-year old sized head of mine and see what I have to say. It feels good getting my thoughts out. Good, bad, or analytical. This blog serves no function to society and only contributes to your need for what I know.
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Scan the bar code or click here: TGJD Mobile App. Any time you need your Duba fix, tap my face! Like the best stalker, I am everywhere you don't expect me to be. Also, like us on Facebook @ and follow me on twitter @thegreatjimduba. I know, I can't believe nobody else had the name either!
Jan 31, 2012
Jan 28, 2012
Concert Review: An Evening with Bach at Gigantour
Venue - Susquehana Bank Center
The concerts I have been to here are normally during the warmer months where I had the ability to be on the lawn. This time around, a backdrop was up behind the last row (where I sat) blocking off access to the lawn areas. There were two tiers of seating sections plus a pit right i front of the stage. the indoor facilities are way better than anything you would find in the lawn area (although somebody did pee on the backdrop). The merchandise was ridiculously expensive but that is not the SBC's fault. I bought a soft pretzel that was delicious. Entering and leaving the building/parking lot was easier than some movie theaters I have left.
Man-Date - Bach
Bach is the quintissential metal concert goer. He told me what to expect with the upcoming bands. He drove, like all gentlemen do, and ensured I safely made it to AND fro. He is easy to talk with about metal and other things in life. However, the height discrepancy between us makes it hard for me to talk softly to him. Also, he is rather imposing so I always feel pretty secure and nobody would even try to start anything with ne.
The bands:
Lacuna Coil : They are that band with that girl who sing that song where the girl goes "aaaaaAAAaaaaaaah...aaaAaAAaaAAAAAaaa" and there is a guy singer who looks like a mix of Gallagher and Anthony Kiedis. They were the prefect band to take a shit to. Their music was not so bad, but the one guitarrist looked like Pierre Robert and the rest of them looked douchey.
Volbeat: My personal new favorite band. There is not one thing I do not like about them. I have only seen them before as headliners in a closer setting where nobody could sit down. The sound was down since they were the second band. They played a short 45 minute set that did not do their music catolog justice. I hope this concert though can expose them to a bigger audience in the United States. Being the number one band In Denmark will only take you so far. Good luck to you boys as bands like you keep my faith in the world.
Motorhead: Sweet Jesus almighty...I have never ever in my life experienced anything like that. I admit I was not a fan of them, just because I never liked the quality sound of the music that was available from them. Well, that first song that came on blew me away. Song after song got better and better. They were so loud I felt each cillia in my ear die minute after minute. Then they played this one song called "The One Who Sings the Blues" and I knew at that moment I would now be a big fan. During this song a guy a couple rows in front of us was uppercut dancing. His wife made the mistake of turning around to talk to him and took one on the chin. Overall, Motorhead was the greatest on this night.
Megadeth: I cannot say I know much of anything about them. However they were very crisp and the fans loved them. I was surprised at their following. But, after that incredible Motorhead set, I was worn out. Some dueling guitarvscenes made me think it was like a heavy metal Lynyrd Skynyrd.
Well, overall, out of 10, I give it a 9.5. That is basically a 95 out of 100.
Until next time...
Venue - Susquehana Bank Center
The concerts I have been to here are normally during the warmer months where I had the ability to be on the lawn. This time around, a backdrop was up behind the last row (where I sat) blocking off access to the lawn areas. There were two tiers of seating sections plus a pit right i front of the stage. the indoor facilities are way better than anything you would find in the lawn area (although somebody did pee on the backdrop). The merchandise was ridiculously expensive but that is not the SBC's fault. I bought a soft pretzel that was delicious. Entering and leaving the building/parking lot was easier than some movie theaters I have left.
Man-Date - Bach
Bach is the quintissential metal concert goer. He told me what to expect with the upcoming bands. He drove, like all gentlemen do, and ensured I safely made it to AND fro. He is easy to talk with about metal and other things in life. However, the height discrepancy between us makes it hard for me to talk softly to him. Also, he is rather imposing so I always feel pretty secure and nobody would even try to start anything with ne.
The bands:
Lacuna Coil : They are that band with that girl who sing that song where the girl goes "aaaaaAAAaaaaaaah...aaaAaAAaaAAAAAaaa" and there is a guy singer who looks like a mix of Gallagher and Anthony Kiedis. They were the prefect band to take a shit to. Their music was not so bad, but the one guitarrist looked like Pierre Robert and the rest of them looked douchey.
Volbeat: My personal new favorite band. There is not one thing I do not like about them. I have only seen them before as headliners in a closer setting where nobody could sit down. The sound was down since they were the second band. They played a short 45 minute set that did not do their music catolog justice. I hope this concert though can expose them to a bigger audience in the United States. Being the number one band In Denmark will only take you so far. Good luck to you boys as bands like you keep my faith in the world.
Motorhead: Sweet Jesus almighty...I have never ever in my life experienced anything like that. I admit I was not a fan of them, just because I never liked the quality sound of the music that was available from them. Well, that first song that came on blew me away. Song after song got better and better. They were so loud I felt each cillia in my ear die minute after minute. Then they played this one song called "The One Who Sings the Blues" and I knew at that moment I would now be a big fan. During this song a guy a couple rows in front of us was uppercut dancing. His wife made the mistake of turning around to talk to him and took one on the chin. Overall, Motorhead was the greatest on this night.
Megadeth: I cannot say I know much of anything about them. However they were very crisp and the fans loved them. I was surprised at their following. But, after that incredible Motorhead set, I was worn out. Some dueling guitarvscenes made me think it was like a heavy metal Lynyrd Skynyrd.
Well, overall, out of 10, I give it a 9.5. That is basically a 95 out of 100.
Until next time...
Jan 24, 2012
Billy Cundiff For President - So the Whole Country Can Hate Him Like I Do
Sigh... Billy Cundiff, you were the most important guy on the field Sunday. Granted, your team could have done more to not put you in that position. Yet, the play was called and you were out there...albeit late. I don't care what the play clock had the ability to call the time out. Instead you ran straight from the field to the football to the locker room. You would have been better off tripping and twisting your ankle. Instead, a healthy you blew your possibly last shot at greatness. Remember when you missed two field goals in Dallas? They replaced you with Shaun "I Suck" Suisham...who would go on to earn the nickname "Sir Sucksalot". Your wikipedia page lists you as having been on 9 teams in 9 seasons. You have been cut more times than I have had surgery. Check that, as many times as I have had surgery. Now, you are a multi-millionaire with the Ravens until 2015, and you just let them down for the foreseeable future.
Anyone who was in my fantasy league this year will remember this rant from Week 7:
Wow, I sound like a real jerk there. See, I can take losing in fantasy (I have made a good habit of it for the past two years). So, you are, Billy Cundiff, completely inconsistent. Hit the extra point to ruin my season, then miss the field goal of your lifetime. The field goal to set up the rematch of the worst possible Superbowl any fan of the Eagles (a feathered team of the same ilk as yours) will have to tolerate.
At this point, you think I am either insane or you get it. You get how maddening Billy Cundiff is. Did you see Billy push away the camera after the game? That was quite possibly even weaker than his kick. At least make the cameraman fall or stumble. I would say you should be kicking yourself in the ass but you'd probably miss that and kick an old lady instead.
Now, Kyle Williams of the 49ers was the goat of the other game, minus the fact Alex Smith played like Alex Smith. I understand his only job was to catch the ball, but he is not the regular guy. He was not given a multiple year for millions deal to make maybe a measly chip shot field goal in the clutch.
So now what? Ray Lewis hates the fact that he has to play another season now. However, Joe Flacco can be a little relieved that the "Shank" is this game's lasting image, not his mishaps. Ed Reed doe not know who to blame this week.
And so Tom Brady and Sheli Manning now face off in a Superbowl to be highlighted by a contest of ho many gay insults are said vs stupid looks on Eli' stupid non-mustached face. Yes I am bitter. The worst part is, it is going to be a good game. No, check that, the worst thing is no matter what, one of these two teams are winning ANOTHER championship and I have to wait until September to be happy again (football wise).
Have a Billy Cundiff story of your own? Please comment below.
Since I do not know how to end a to you all next time.
I was in the shower this morning thinking more about Billy Cundiff. Yeah I'm a weirdo.
When you watch highlights of the game this past weekend, you can clearly see the center snapped the ball poorly and the place holder clearly had to struggle to get the ball in the right spot/tilt/position for a sure kick by Cundiff. Still, unforgiveable.
For his career, he is a 76% kicker. He is 100% from 0 to 29 yards out, then 76% from 30 to 39 yards, 70% 40 to 49 yards, and 26% from 50 plus yards out. I think I also read that he leads the league or has the record for most touchbacks (a record that has been recorded since the institution of the NFL swapping out new balls for every special teams play). He also has the dubious distinction of missing an extra point. Even Mark Simoneau (former Eagles linebacker) could kick an extra point.
Now, I have seen a bunch of forums basically calling for the f-ing in the a of Billy Cundiff by one Stabmaster Ray Lewis as well as an all out death penalty. This is stupid. Baltimore, listen up - Billy Cundiff coughed on a hairball in his big moment, but how the Hell did your offense make the Patriots defense look as good as yours? That should be just as much of a concern as a clutch kicker is.
Again, I don't know how to end it, so, better luck next year!
Anyone who was in my fantasy league this year will remember this rant from Week 7:
Oct 26 6:14am
Week 7 Recap – The Week Duba Developed Pure and Utter Hatred (Part 1 of 2)
Well folks, October 25, 2011, will be a day I remember for a long time…I could not stay awake to see the rest of the Jacksonville – Ravens game. The Jags were up and had shut out the ravens…I was holding a lead on both my fantasy teams (against Billy Cundiff on Rich’s team and against Ray Rice and the Ravens D on a worthless girl’s team). I went to sleep, resigning to the thought that maybe the Ravens could just pull off a field goal or two.
I wake up Tuesday morning, 4 a.m., and my head exploded. The Jaguars won alright, 12 – 7. SEVEN?!?!?!?! What the Hell Jacksonville? Then I read deeper…it was with maybe 2 minutes left in the game? You [expletive deleted]hole Jaguars can’t even win right? Ravens, why not go for two??? What else did you have to lose at that point? Instead, one [expletive deleted]ing point. One loooooowly point. Scored by Billy Cundiff. Changing my lead from a seemingly easy to give up point spread of 0.12 points to an insurmountable 0.88 point lead for Rich.
I am embarrassed. Humiliated. Sure I have made some poor decisions this year fantasy wise, but man Billy Cundiff I hate you. If you saved my girl and son from a burning house, I’d push you back in it. If you gave me your heart for a transplant, I’d stab myself in it. If you were on fire, I’d piss on you just to say I pissed on you. Then, whence you are dry, I will reset you aflame. I wouldn’t even bang your wife as I know you’ve been in there already. I would however take pictures of her on put it on the website
Wow, I sound like a real jerk there. See, I can take losing in fantasy (I have made a good habit of it for the past two years). So, you are, Billy Cundiff, completely inconsistent. Hit the extra point to ruin my season, then miss the field goal of your lifetime. The field goal to set up the rematch of the worst possible Superbowl any fan of the Eagles (a feathered team of the same ilk as yours) will have to tolerate.
At this point, you think I am either insane or you get it. You get how maddening Billy Cundiff is. Did you see Billy push away the camera after the game? That was quite possibly even weaker than his kick. At least make the cameraman fall or stumble. I would say you should be kicking yourself in the ass but you'd probably miss that and kick an old lady instead.
Now, Kyle Williams of the 49ers was the goat of the other game, minus the fact Alex Smith played like Alex Smith. I understand his only job was to catch the ball, but he is not the regular guy. He was not given a multiple year for millions deal to make maybe a measly chip shot field goal in the clutch.
So now what? Ray Lewis hates the fact that he has to play another season now. However, Joe Flacco can be a little relieved that the "Shank" is this game's lasting image, not his mishaps. Ed Reed doe not know who to blame this week.
And so Tom Brady and Sheli Manning now face off in a Superbowl to be highlighted by a contest of ho many gay insults are said vs stupid looks on Eli' stupid non-mustached face. Yes I am bitter. The worst part is, it is going to be a good game. No, check that, the worst thing is no matter what, one of these two teams are winning ANOTHER championship and I have to wait until September to be happy again (football wise).
Have a Billy Cundiff story of your own? Please comment below.
Since I do not know how to end a to you all next time.
I was in the shower this morning thinking more about Billy Cundiff. Yeah I'm a weirdo.
When you watch highlights of the game this past weekend, you can clearly see the center snapped the ball poorly and the place holder clearly had to struggle to get the ball in the right spot/tilt/position for a sure kick by Cundiff. Still, unforgiveable.
For his career, he is a 76% kicker. He is 100% from 0 to 29 yards out, then 76% from 30 to 39 yards, 70% 40 to 49 yards, and 26% from 50 plus yards out. I think I also read that he leads the league or has the record for most touchbacks (a record that has been recorded since the institution of the NFL swapping out new balls for every special teams play). He also has the dubious distinction of missing an extra point. Even Mark Simoneau (former Eagles linebacker) could kick an extra point.
Now, I have seen a bunch of forums basically calling for the f-ing in the a of Billy Cundiff by one Stabmaster Ray Lewis as well as an all out death penalty. This is stupid. Baltimore, listen up - Billy Cundiff coughed on a hairball in his big moment, but how the Hell did your offense make the Patriots defense look as good as yours? That should be just as much of a concern as a clutch kicker is.
Again, I don't know how to end it, so, better luck next year!
Jan 21, 2012
Party Review
So, want to invite Duba to a party? Sure, but you may be subjected to a party review....
The event - Coonor Lawrence 1 Year Birthday Party.
Location - Casa de Lawrence
Hosts - Mike a.k.a. Puddin' and Victoria Lawrence
Upon arrival, we had to park two houses down. On a normal day, this would be annoying. However, today was okay as given the snow storm earlier today this was acceptable. However, finger of shame to their neighbors who had a completely iced over sidewalk.
As is always the case at the Lawrence Parties, Bach was the first person there of my friends. In addition, any of Pudding and Victoria's family, as always, are very welcoming. Great people who make you feel like part of the family.
Good people equals good food. Check that - great food! Good meatballs, fresh cheese, good variety of soda, and good taco pudding. As the hispaniards say, EXCELENTE!
Arts and Crafts - Well, surprisingly the first party I get to review actually had arts and crafts...and now the bar is set for future parties. Rocco made a brilliant card for his grandmother.
Cake was huge. Wonderfully decorated and frosted just right. Duba prefers chocolate and/or ice cream cake, but this was good.
Activities - Just Dance 3, and I killed it. I owned that house with my super swift feet. And Rocco had a blast with Party Rock Anthem. He finished second, but overall a Houston Texans like effort.
Overall, great first party of the year. Pudding and Victoria always have excellent family and adult themed parties.If they can have Connor's birthday party in May or June it could be the penultimate party of the year. Alas, it was a blast for all ages. Grade A
The event - Coonor Lawrence 1 Year Birthday Party.
Location - Casa de Lawrence
Hosts - Mike a.k.a. Puddin' and Victoria Lawrence
Upon arrival, we had to park two houses down. On a normal day, this would be annoying. However, today was okay as given the snow storm earlier today this was acceptable. However, finger of shame to their neighbors who had a completely iced over sidewalk.
As is always the case at the Lawrence Parties, Bach was the first person there of my friends. In addition, any of Pudding and Victoria's family, as always, are very welcoming. Great people who make you feel like part of the family.
Good people equals good food. Check that - great food! Good meatballs, fresh cheese, good variety of soda, and good taco pudding. As the hispaniards say, EXCELENTE!
Arts and Crafts - Well, surprisingly the first party I get to review actually had arts and crafts...and now the bar is set for future parties. Rocco made a brilliant card for his grandmother.
Cake was huge. Wonderfully decorated and frosted just right. Duba prefers chocolate and/or ice cream cake, but this was good.
Activities - Just Dance 3, and I killed it. I owned that house with my super swift feet. And Rocco had a blast with Party Rock Anthem. He finished second, but overall a Houston Texans like effort.
Overall, great first party of the year. Pudding and Victoria always have excellent family and adult themed parties.If they can have Connor's birthday party in May or June it could be the penultimate party of the year. Alas, it was a blast for all ages. Grade A
Jan 20, 2012
Duba's 3rd Annual "Only When I Have a Blog or Other Available Forum Where I Can Riff" Ideal Superbowl Matchups
Duba's 3rd Annual "Only When I Have a Blog or Other Available Forum Where I Can Riff" Ideal Superbowl Matchups
Well, if you are not going to the Home Show this weekend it is because you will be home watching glorious championship games on Sunday. I believe you will see two extremely dramatic games playout. I think I know who will win, but I would prefer the following matchups:
49ers Vs Ravens - I like violent defensive football. I think this could be a good dramatic chess match of a game, forgetting about the Harbough brothers playing each other. I think Alex Smith is playing how Joe Flacco wishes he was. Flacco was against one of the top 3 defenses last week, and I think he can tune up the Patriots as a warmup game for the Superbowl. Also, Smith will be prepared for an onslaught after surviving the Giants defense. Maybe a low scoring game but a defense lovers dream.
49ers Vs Patriots - I respect Brady enough to want to watch him play against that awesome San Fran defense. Also, the way Vernon Davis has been playing like a retarded bull and the tight end special duo for New England could make for a dramatic, special moments type of game.
Giants Vs Ravens - One of the greatest things in the world is to see Eli Manning go on an extended streak of great play to just ultimately getting waxed in a big moment. However, a Superbowl game is not the place for this scenario unless it is one of those moments where the game's fate lay in his hands only for him to choke. Unfortunately he hasn't choked too much lately (probably last time was when he threw a late game interception against the Eagles). I do not want to see this, and I do not want to see the Giants win again.
Giants Vs Patriots - I believe this is why we have to wait two weeks for the big game after the teams advance. The last time they met in the Superbowl was epic. But after two weeks I still could not pick a team to root for. Honestly I thought the Giants would be obliterated, but their fight inspired me to root for them by halftime. As a disgruntled Eagles fan, watching these teams play for a championship is sickening. Having ONLY two weeks to pick a side is not enough time. I bet this is the match the officials will try to make happen after their attempt of a Saints/Packers Vs Patriots matchup fell through.
Reality - The experts I have read mostly pick the Giants and Patriots advancing. I am no expert which is why I am predicting a Patriots Vs ..............49ers Superbowl! I actually see the Giants rightfully getting squashed showing their 9-7 colors. I hope for my number one scenario to playout, but i just think Brady is too killer right now. Unless Baltimore can hit him hard early and often, the Patriot way will win out.
Well, if you are not going to the Home Show this weekend it is because you will be home watching glorious championship games on Sunday. I believe you will see two extremely dramatic games playout. I think I know who will win, but I would prefer the following matchups:
49ers Vs Ravens - I like violent defensive football. I think this could be a good dramatic chess match of a game, forgetting about the Harbough brothers playing each other. I think Alex Smith is playing how Joe Flacco wishes he was. Flacco was against one of the top 3 defenses last week, and I think he can tune up the Patriots as a warmup game for the Superbowl. Also, Smith will be prepared for an onslaught after surviving the Giants defense. Maybe a low scoring game but a defense lovers dream.
49ers Vs Patriots - I respect Brady enough to want to watch him play against that awesome San Fran defense. Also, the way Vernon Davis has been playing like a retarded bull and the tight end special duo for New England could make for a dramatic, special moments type of game.
Giants Vs Ravens - One of the greatest things in the world is to see Eli Manning go on an extended streak of great play to just ultimately getting waxed in a big moment. However, a Superbowl game is not the place for this scenario unless it is one of those moments where the game's fate lay in his hands only for him to choke. Unfortunately he hasn't choked too much lately (probably last time was when he threw a late game interception against the Eagles). I do not want to see this, and I do not want to see the Giants win again.
Giants Vs Patriots - I believe this is why we have to wait two weeks for the big game after the teams advance. The last time they met in the Superbowl was epic. But after two weeks I still could not pick a team to root for. Honestly I thought the Giants would be obliterated, but their fight inspired me to root for them by halftime. As a disgruntled Eagles fan, watching these teams play for a championship is sickening. Having ONLY two weeks to pick a side is not enough time. I bet this is the match the officials will try to make happen after their attempt of a Saints/Packers Vs Patriots matchup fell through.
Reality - The experts I have read mostly pick the Giants and Patriots advancing. I am no expert which is why I am predicting a Patriots Vs ..............49ers Superbowl! I actually see the Giants rightfully getting squashed showing their 9-7 colors. I hope for my number one scenario to playout, but i just think Brady is too killer right now. Unless Baltimore can hit him hard early and often, the Patriot way will win out.
Jan 19, 2012
Freedom of Speech...just not for the other team
The Winter Classic came and went and like the true very casual fan of hockey that I am I forgot it was on. But what I did see was video of the post game fight at Geno's.
Yes I can see where you are asking for trouble by wearing the other team's jersey to the home team stadium. At the most I can chant "asshole" at you and you can laugh at me when John Skelton treats the Eagles like a flag football team, but I digress.
What gives me the right to punch anybody wearing another team jersey? NOTHING! I went to Giants stadium this season in my Eagles gear with Brandon. People were cool to us. We even got to have a cool back and forth with the surrounding Giants fans. However, theonly other nearby Eagles fan sat right next to me...maybe a skinny 18 year old kid with a huge (in a tall way) girfriend. This half man noticed Brandon and I were twice his size so he thought he could run his mouth. I doubt this half man, half clown does, but Bran and I have a family to go home to and support. I certainly am not attempting to aggrevate an already aggrevated 60,000+ asshole New Yorkers/North Jerseyans.
On Philly radio I do not hear anybody endorsing the attack, but I do hear a lot of "you shouldn't wear your team's jersey in our stadium".... I believe that is freedom of expression right? The same freedom YOU radio hosts/callers say we wouldn't have if not for our brave men and women making ultimate sacrifices. So this night an Iraq war veteran gets jumped and beaten pretty bad to the point of needing surgeries because of an argument that started because he was still supporting his team after they won the game, a right which he earned because he fought for it and you radio announcers (all of them) encourage that this guy shouldn't have worn that jersey? Finger of shame to you and middle finger to your callers in agreement with you.
I could not care less about the reputation of Philadelphia fans being tarnished. Wasn't a dodgers fan beaten to death in san francisco? A jets fan and his pre-teen son got jumped in cleveland by some angry browns fans.
I should be able to show up to an Eagles game with a pro-dogfighting jersey if i wanted to and, much like every regular day, the worst thing to happen to me should being called an asshole.
Oh yeah and Vancouver... when you lost the stanley cup to boston, torching and bashing your city was not freedom of expression- be it expressing anger at the loss or anger that you live in vancouver wishing to be in at leasr Seattle - its a matter of justifying your douchebaggery through sports.
There is really no way to end this really, so....
....... I will leave you with this 6 second nugget of eternal comedy...
Jan 15, 2012
Short Mans Shortsighted Observations
Saints, you blew it. you made me look terrible in my predictions and my hopes of winning the CBS Playoff Challenge are over.
Tebow time sets football back at least an hour.
Duba is becoming very great at the Just Dance series. "I Don't Feel Like Dancing" by the Scissor Sisters is my jam.
Three day old niece, Allie Claire Duba, welcome to the world. Ask Daddy for a better car then what your bigger sister will get.
Tebow time sets football back at least an hour.
Duba is becoming very great at the Just Dance series. "I Don't Feel Like Dancing" by the Scissor Sisters is my jam.
Three day old niece, Allie Claire Duba, welcome to the world. Ask Daddy for a better car then what your bigger sister will get.
Jan 13, 2012
Mr. Can't Predict Football Right Tries to Predict Football...again.
Well folks, the Divisional Round begins this week. I went an unspectacular 2 for 2 in my predictions. As a result, my CBS Playoff Challenge team lost 7 of 8 players and as such I have just one more move left. I hope i dont have to make that move until the superbowl as I swap out Ryan Grant for a Saints or Ravens backup RB. Yeah, I am calling for a Saints-Ravens Superbowl. I could see the packers there, but for the sake of getting some fantasy football redemption, go Saints and go Ravens!
Saints at 49ers - Last week every home team won. This could be different. I think, as probably everybody else has said, the 49ers certainly do not score enough points. The Saints did not punt once last weekend. I know the Lions defense can be hit or miss, but records like that should not be set against playoff caliber teams. San Francisco in my opinion is anemic. Had they not made a comeback on my precious Eagles in Week 4 I do not think they would have made it this far. However, I view that game as an Eagles collapse and not a 49ers vaunted effort.the Saints can be porous at times, but they have a more amazing office than their defense is a sieve. In other words, opposites. Drew Brees and his mole, Marques Colston and his injuries, and the Lightning Bug Darren Sproles break open a close game late and the final score will not look that close. Saints win.
Broncos at Patriots - And so the 2011-2012 clock for Tebow time expires. Don't get me wrong, I believe Timmy will look good in defeat. Whatever the reason was for them losing to the Patriots last time, they will lose much differently. The Patriots can make some quick under the gun decisions to alter and adjust their gameplan. Despite a good defense, Tom Brady will show why he is the best quarterback in the game. I do believe this should be a fun game though. I will root for my prediction to be wrong, though. Patriots go on to host the AFC championship game, a game in which all of shitty New England will leave looking visibly upset to the winners of...
Texans at Ravens - The Texans looked fantabulous against the Bengals. They actually crippled the Bengals. I think there is no stopping a host team playing in a dome...which is why the traveling dome team (with injured, young, and nonplayoff experienced players) will lose to an outdoor defensively vicious team that has one week to rest. I see the Ravens forcing turnovers so that a Ray Rice led offense will wear down the vaunted Texans defense. Houston will play valiantly and gain valuable experience for a much more storied run next year.
Giants at Packers - Please...the best team in the league hosting a game after a week off? Now, the last couple years,the number one seeds in the NFC have lost in their first shot...including the Giants as well as last year's sixth seed Packers knocking out first seed Atlanta. History shan't repeat itself again. No way no how. The Giants may be hot right now, but they will end up a hot mess. Jacobs and Bradshaw will show why they were part of the 32nd ranked rush attack. Eli will also prove to me once again that his magical (and impressive) Super Bowl win was a fluke. I bet at least 4 different receivers for Green Bay score touchdowns. It will be like the Lions versus the Saints, but not as good. Packers win.
The rest of the playoffs? Saints over the Packers and the Ravens over the Patriots so that I may have a chance to winsome kind of consolation to the two craptastic fantasy seasons I endured this year.
Saints at 49ers - Last week every home team won. This could be different. I think, as probably everybody else has said, the 49ers certainly do not score enough points. The Saints did not punt once last weekend. I know the Lions defense can be hit or miss, but records like that should not be set against playoff caliber teams. San Francisco in my opinion is anemic. Had they not made a comeback on my precious Eagles in Week 4 I do not think they would have made it this far. However, I view that game as an Eagles collapse and not a 49ers vaunted effort.the Saints can be porous at times, but they have a more amazing office than their defense is a sieve. In other words, opposites. Drew Brees and his mole, Marques Colston and his injuries, and the Lightning Bug Darren Sproles break open a close game late and the final score will not look that close. Saints win.
Broncos at Patriots - And so the 2011-2012 clock for Tebow time expires. Don't get me wrong, I believe Timmy will look good in defeat. Whatever the reason was for them losing to the Patriots last time, they will lose much differently. The Patriots can make some quick under the gun decisions to alter and adjust their gameplan. Despite a good defense, Tom Brady will show why he is the best quarterback in the game. I do believe this should be a fun game though. I will root for my prediction to be wrong, though. Patriots go on to host the AFC championship game, a game in which all of shitty New England will leave looking visibly upset to the winners of...
Texans at Ravens - The Texans looked fantabulous against the Bengals. They actually crippled the Bengals. I think there is no stopping a host team playing in a dome...which is why the traveling dome team (with injured, young, and nonplayoff experienced players) will lose to an outdoor defensively vicious team that has one week to rest. I see the Ravens forcing turnovers so that a Ray Rice led offense will wear down the vaunted Texans defense. Houston will play valiantly and gain valuable experience for a much more storied run next year.
Giants at Packers - Please...the best team in the league hosting a game after a week off? Now, the last couple years,the number one seeds in the NFC have lost in their first shot...including the Giants as well as last year's sixth seed Packers knocking out first seed Atlanta. History shan't repeat itself again. No way no how. The Giants may be hot right now, but they will end up a hot mess. Jacobs and Bradshaw will show why they were part of the 32nd ranked rush attack. Eli will also prove to me once again that his magical (and impressive) Super Bowl win was a fluke. I bet at least 4 different receivers for Green Bay score touchdowns. It will be like the Lions versus the Saints, but not as good. Packers win.
The rest of the playoffs? Saints over the Packers and the Ravens over the Patriots so that I may have a chance to winsome kind of consolation to the two craptastic fantasy seasons I endured this year.
Jan 6, 2012
Duba's Football Crystal Balls
Well folks, Wildcard Weekend is upon us. It is that rare season when I shan't be watching the Eagles in Week 18. However, we do have some semi-exciting to very exciting games ahead.
Steelers at Broncos:
That clip should be all you need. I believe the Steelers should stigmatasize the Broncos, but the pride of Denver could pull out a miracle. I would not be surprised by either scenario. The only thing that would surprise me is a narrow Denver loss. It is all or nothing with them. Most likely, Steelers win on the back of Isaac Redman.
Bengals at Texans: Tough to call. Both teams have had a rough ending to their respective seasons. However, Houston has one huge advantage - first ever home playoff game. No other intangibles or qualities that matter.
Lions at Saints: It is a shame Detroit has to visit the Saints, as I would like to watch them play deep into the playoffs. Probably the weekends best game, at least 85 points will be scored and will be comparable to Cardinals-Packers a couple years ago. I feel bad for anybody playing the Saints right now especially if you happened to have just gotten exposed by a backup QB.
Falcons at Giants: Two teams I do not enjoy watching at all. I think you will see what starts as a close game end in a Falcons onslaught. It does not matter as whoever wins will just ve dismantled by either opponent. At least some of these guys will go to Hawaii.
Thats all I got. I hope somebody is reading
That clip should be all you need. I believe the Steelers should stigmatasize the Broncos, but the pride of Denver could pull out a miracle. I would not be surprised by either scenario. The only thing that would surprise me is a narrow Denver loss. It is all or nothing with them. Most likely, Steelers win on the back of Isaac Redman.
Bengals at Texans: Tough to call. Both teams have had a rough ending to their respective seasons. However, Houston has one huge advantage - first ever home playoff game. No other intangibles or qualities that matter.
Lions at Saints: It is a shame Detroit has to visit the Saints, as I would like to watch them play deep into the playoffs. Probably the weekends best game, at least 85 points will be scored and will be comparable to Cardinals-Packers a couple years ago. I feel bad for anybody playing the Saints right now especially if you happened to have just gotten exposed by a backup QB.
Falcons at Giants: Two teams I do not enjoy watching at all. I think you will see what starts as a close game end in a Falcons onslaught. It does not matter as whoever wins will just ve dismantled by either opponent. At least some of these guys will go to Hawaii.
Thats all I got. I hope somebody is reading
Jan 2, 2012
New Year New Duba
Well, i guess the new me is just the older me. I therefore change every day i get older, every second of that every day. So, Christmas came and went. I made out very well. Got the one thing ive wanted all year - the BlackBerry Playbook. it will help me keep up with one of my repeated resolutions of the past couple years - create, maintain, and most of all ENJOY the experience.
Now, i was lucky enough to already accomplish last year's resolution to quit smoking. It took me till late October but at least i did it! If you really want to quit, just quit. Slowly kill of your pack and replay in your head or recite whatever the words were that inspired you. Me, i made myself sick enough about the thought of smoking and seeing me in a casket through the angry eyes of my girlfriend and (step)son.
On to the fun resolutions...the ones i hope to make good on as they are personal records. Without further ado...Duba's Top Ten New Year Resolutions:
10. Begin eating at least one fruit and/or vegetable a day. Got to bethe better alternative for staying regular than 3 (yes 3!) Activias a day.
9. Make at least 2 people laugh per day by saying something actually funny and not necessarily not get me wrong, i am still going for insulting humor, just with no limit
8. Make Top Ten lists as good as i did in the years 1998 - 2001.
7. Locate Jim Duda and strong arm him into a rematch 15 years in the making. Duba vs Duda 2 - "the fight they'll be tellin ya for a new millenia"
6. Get a new job where i feel just the slightest sliver of respect and enough satisfaction to not hate every waking second of the work day
5. Clean and press over 200 pounds, upright row 300 pounds, and bench 120 pound dumbells while losing 20 pounds. Duba's got a beach wedding to gear up for.
4. Learn something cool about this whole tablet thing to get more out of it than just being a glorified phone or ipod
3. Put aside up to 100 bucks a pay check while putting the same into a 401k. Sooner or later, Duba will want to retire.
2. Watch every episode of Tosh.0.
...and number 1
1. Coach another undefeated flag football team while learning how to coach better.
Those of you who know me probably expected something better than this list. However, please remember that i am now 31, a father, and trying to find that balance in mixing my personality with professionalism. Don't worry, i will have my bright spots.
Happy Du Year to all!
Well, i guess the new me is just the older me. I therefore change every day i get older, every second of that every day. So, Christmas came and went. I made out very well. Got the one thing ive wanted all year - the BlackBerry Playbook. it will help me keep up with one of my repeated resolutions of the past couple years - create, maintain, and most of all ENJOY the experience.
Now, i was lucky enough to already accomplish last year's resolution to quit smoking. It took me till late October but at least i did it! If you really want to quit, just quit. Slowly kill of your pack and replay in your head or recite whatever the words were that inspired you. Me, i made myself sick enough about the thought of smoking and seeing me in a casket through the angry eyes of my girlfriend and (step)son.
On to the fun resolutions...the ones i hope to make good on as they are personal records. Without further ado...Duba's Top Ten New Year Resolutions:
10. Begin eating at least one fruit and/or vegetable a day. Got to bethe better alternative for staying regular than 3 (yes 3!) Activias a day.
9. Make at least 2 people laugh per day by saying something actually funny and not necessarily not get me wrong, i am still going for insulting humor, just with no limit
8. Make Top Ten lists as good as i did in the years 1998 - 2001.
7. Locate Jim Duda and strong arm him into a rematch 15 years in the making. Duba vs Duda 2 - "the fight they'll be tellin ya for a new millenia"
6. Get a new job where i feel just the slightest sliver of respect and enough satisfaction to not hate every waking second of the work day
5. Clean and press over 200 pounds, upright row 300 pounds, and bench 120 pound dumbells while losing 20 pounds. Duba's got a beach wedding to gear up for.
4. Learn something cool about this whole tablet thing to get more out of it than just being a glorified phone or ipod
3. Put aside up to 100 bucks a pay check while putting the same into a 401k. Sooner or later, Duba will want to retire.
2. Watch every episode of Tosh.0.
...and number 1
1. Coach another undefeated flag football team while learning how to coach better.
Those of you who know me probably expected something better than this list. However, please remember that i am now 31, a father, and trying to find that balance in mixing my personality with professionalism. Don't worry, i will have my bright spots.
Happy Du Year to all!
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